Senin, 19 Desember 2016

How to Merge Windows 7 32bit and 64bit In One CD

How to Merge Windows 7 32bit and 64bit In One CD - Operating System Windows 7 has two versions of 32bit and 64bit versions. Basically the windows deliberately made with 32bit to 64bit systems which enhance 64bit system to optimize the system so large RAM can read all, at least if you are using 4 GB RAM and 32bit then only be read using 2.9 GB. If you are using 4 GB RAM and use 64 bit it will be read all that is 4GB.
To combine Windows 7 32bit and 64bit in a CD, you need a mini application software called WinAIO Maker Professional. Before performing the steps below, you must first prepare 32bit and 64bit ISO file to merge. To open all the windows models (Basic, Ultimate, etc.) is to dispose ei.cfg file in the folder windows 7 ISO, in a way that all versions of the windows can be found in one CD.

In this post, I will share about How to Merge Windows 7 32bit and 64bit In One CD.
Here are the steps How to Merge Windows 7 32bit and 64bit In One CD:
  • Download WinAIO Maker Professional.
  • Extract the files WinAIO. Next create a folder for example Win 7 on a drive other than drive C: drive, for example drive D :, E :, or the other.
  • Click the button AutoAIO, and a new window will appear.
  • In the "select a folder to work with ISOs" navigate to the folder that was created earlier.
  • Select exact x86 ISO: navigate to the ISO file you are 32 bit.
  • Select exact x86 x64 ISO: navigate to the ISO file 32 bit you. Examples like this picture
  • If you want to enable recovery mode 64bit please check the option "Enable 64bit recovery mode".
  • Click Start Compilation. Furthermore, the process will run and you can burn to CD or transfer it to a USB flash drive.
To install Windows using a stick (transfer to the flash), click the button "WinToUSB". Next select the folder where the .iso file has been extracted beforehand, or you can use ISO2Folder function first and define your usb drive where unreadable.

In WinAIO there are also other facilities such as to change the file folder into the ISO file (folder2ISO) and also to extract the ISO file (ISO2Folder), to be edited, and also create an ISO file from the DVD installer (DVDToISO).

Well, this post about How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC. I hope the information above is useful for you. If there are less understood, please ask in the comments field. We are sorry if there are any errors on spelling or sentence and thank you for visiting my website.
See Also ==> How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard


Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

How to Increase RAM Memory Using Hard Drive

How to Increase RAM Memory Using Hard Drive - This trick will increase the speed of RAM your computer without having to install new RAM again. In this case we will create a virtual memory by using a hard drive or flash that functions as the RAM on your computer.

How do I add RAM to use the hard disk or flash, you can see in the following trick. Why RAM capacity needs to be added? course for faster computer performance, because now a lot of software that requires a minimum of 2GB of RAM to work with the maximum. Please you download software Ebooster (for via flash) and of course prepare your flash, (preferably 4GB and above).

As we know, the more applications installed on the computer, the greater the memory required power. Many applications do require high enough RAM specifications such as photoshop, after effects etc. , Thus, the RAM capacity we need to be supplemented in order to work well is to create a virtual memory.

The first trick to add the speed of the RAM by using the hard drive:

First check the capacity of RAM installed on your laptop / computer, how:
- Open RUN (press the Windows logo key + R), then type dxdiag> OK.
- Then came the window, and see the value Memory listed (note), then exit.

Follow the next steps (on win 7):
Right-click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings.

A new window appears, and then the advanced tab, find the Performance section, and then click the Settings button.

Perfomance options window appears, click the Advanced tab, and then click Change Virtual Memory section.

Virtual memory window appears, you first exhaust check automatically manage ... Then in the drive, click (select) Volume label "C". Then click (mark) at Custom size.

In the Initial Size column = Please fill twice the value of RAM that you noted earlier, suppose the value is 2048 MB, then you fill in the initial size: 4096 MB.

In the column Maximum size = fill twice the initial value that you enter Size.
If you've Click Set to save these settings, then click OK

Well, this post about How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC. I hope the information above is useful for you. If there are less understood, please ask in the comments field. We are sorry if there are any errors on spelling or sentence and thank you for visiting my website.
See Also ==> How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC


Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

How To Move Apps to SD Card Using Link2SD

How To Move Apps to SD Card Using Link2SD - Link2SD is a third-party application that serves to move the files sytem of applications that are installed on android that can be moved to SD Card / MicroSD. Besides Link2SD there are still some applications with the same functionality as Mounts2SD, App2SD, DC2SD and others.
I need to know if you use two partitions on the SD Card is even if you are moving the application files to the external memory using the application Link2SD but not all file system application will be displaced entirely. There will still be some file system application that remains on the internal memory as a file Dalvik cache.

In this post will discuss about How To Move Apps to SD Card Using Link2SD.
Here are the steps How to Move Apps to SD Card Using Link2SD:

1. Download and Install Applications Link2SD please download in PlayStore
2. This process requires root access so the phone has to be in the Root Used
3. When you first open SuperUser will ask for permission, silhkan select Alow / Grant after that there will be no choice where we will put the system files of applications installed on the memory card partition as ext2, ext3, ext4, and FAT32 / FAT16. Please select Ext2, but if we choose the FAT32 / FAT16 is also not a problem. it means to be in the empty ext2

3. Restart your phone after it says "Restart your Phone - Mount Script Created ....".
4. Open and run applications LinkSD if successful will display a list of applications that can be transferred to external memory if it fails that appears is the text "Error Mount Script ..". Please repeat the process if they tetep no.1 fails to replace it with a different partitioning options ext3, ext4, or FAT32 / FAT16
5. Select an application, click and select Create Link, select all existing columns, click OK
6. Or we could move all aplikais simultaneously via the Options menu, Multi-Select, Select All, Action, Create Link then all applications will be displaced to an SD Card
7. After It says "Application files linked and moved to SD card" means the application has been successfully moved to the SD Card.
8. To set any new application installed can be automatically moved to the SD Card can go to the Options Menu, Settings, Tick at the Auto Link
9. Done.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC

How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC - RAM (Random Access Memory) serves to store data and instructions while on the computer and accessed randomly executed by the processor.
So the existence of RAM greatly affect performance on a computer. RAM memory is different from the hard drive memory. RAM can only store data temporarily, while the hard drive is permanent in the data store. So when you turn off the computer, then the existing data in the RAM automatically will be lost.

In this post, I will share about How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC.

Before you perform the performance optimization of RAM, you should keep the following things :

  • Additional capacity of RAM which each computer is usually different. So you have to know how upgrading the RAM that is appropriate for your computer.
  • The type of RAM that is used on your computer. Is your computer using the type of DDR2 or DDR 3 RAM and others.
  • Limit upgrade the RAM on the motherboard of your computer before you perform additional RAM capacity.

Here are the steps How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC :

1. Do not open Many Application

RAM will keep all instructions are executed by an open application. So, if you open many applications simultaneously will make use more space of RAM.

For example, the capacity of the RAM you only 2 GB, but you have multiple tabs open on browser internet, play games, put the music on and open some other application.

This will make the performance of RAM to be heavy and the computer will run slowly or even lead to hang. Therefore, you should open some important applications that you needs.

2. Usage Monitor on Task Manager

From the Task Manager application we can see how RAM works and running process. You can open the Task Manager by pressing ctrl + shift + esc of the keyboard.

Note the use of the capacity of RAM and an open application. Through the Task Manager you can close unnecessary applications to decrease the performance of RAM and leave an empty space in order to keep optimal computer performance.

3. Reduce Use of Graphics

Color quality affects the burden of RAM used. The higher the quality of color, so the performance of RAM will be heavier. Therefore, to optimize the RAM you can degrade the quality of color.

Suppose if we use 32 bit color, we could lower it to 16 bits. To do this right click on desktop, select Graphics Properties, select Settings, and select 16 bits of color quality.

Use of graphics RAM theme will also create extra work, therefore avoid using a graphic display of overload. So the performance of RAM will still optimal.

4. Set Startup

Application at Startup automatically run when we turn on the computer. If too many applications are running, then the startup performance also will be heavier so that the process becomes slower.

How to reduce the workload and optimize RAM startup can be done by disabling some less critical applications at startup. For users of Windows 7, press the Windows + R and type "msconfig". Select multiple applications to be disabled and click Disable. Then click OK.

5. Upgrade the RAM

If your computer uses RAM specification is too small, then the way of performance optimization RAM above will be less than the maximum. That is because when the computer is now using sophisticated software and requires a large RAM specifications.

To keep your computer running optimally, a small capacity like 1 GB of RAM you can ugprade becoming 2GB of RAM, 4GB or even 8GB RAM. With the upgrade the RAM so your computer will run optimally.

6. Other Alternatives

There is now a third-party application that you can use to improve the performance of RAM. You can use the cleaner windows or additional applications that exist in the anti-virus. However, this should be done if absolutely necessary only.

Well, this post about How to Optimize RAM Performance On PC. I hope the information above is useful for you. If there are less understood, please ask in the comments field. We are sorry if there are any errors on spelling or sentence and thank you for visiting my website.
See Also ==> How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard


Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard

How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard - On my article before, I have shared about How to Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard. Well, if you feel there is an error when performing the partition on the SD Card for previously less suitable partition or you are not satisfied, so the solution is restore the partition as before.
In this post, I will share about How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard. Before we begin the steps, make sure that you have installed MiniTool Partition Wizard application on your PC or laptop. If not, please download it first here, then install. Furthermore, the need to be prepared is a card reader to connect an SD card with a PC. IMPORTANT!! Don't forget to backup the data on your SD Card, since the partition of the SD Card will be formatted and all data will be lost.

Here are the steps How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard :
  • Insert the SD Card on a PC.
  • Run the application MiniTool Partition Wizard.
  • Look Disk 2 on MiniTool Partition Wizard, select one of the partitions of the disk 2, and select Delete. Do the same thing on the other partition (On Disk 2).
  • After all the partitions removed, will look like in the picture.
  • Make a partition once again by right-clicking at partition drive and then click the Create button. Furthermore, the image will appear as below.
  • Please fill in the sections:
          - Partition Label, Fill your partition name, or it can also be emptied
          - Create As, select Primary
          - File System, select FAT32
          - Partition Size, leave it alone because it will automatically be charged the total of all memory.
  • Click OK, then click Apply. Wait until the new partition creation process is complete.

Well, this post about How to Restore Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard. I hope the information above is useful for you. If there are less understood, please ask in the comments field. We are sorry if there are any errors on spelling or sentence and thank you for visiting my website.
See Also ==> How to Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard


Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

How to Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard

How to Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard - Partition is the management/distribution of storage data between file system and other files such as music, video and photos. The purpose of partition SD Card is to divide the memory or space available (virtual) into several parts. Benefits of partition SD Card is to separate data set in order to store certain data on different partitions.
In this post, I will share about How Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard. From this tutorial we will use the FAT32 partition format, because if you use ext2, ext4 partition format, may be more difficult because not all devices support with this type of partition.

Before following this steps, make sure you have backed up your data or files. To succeed on partition process, should the capacity of your SD Card memory of at least 4 GB, because if only 2GB usually only the first partition will be read by Windows.

Here are the steps how Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard:
  • Install MiniTool Partition Wizard aplication.
  • Insert the SD card to the computer using the Card Reader, and run the MiniTool Partition Wizard application.
  • Right-click the drive SD Card, select Move/Resize. Move/Resize is to manage the capacity of the drive and make a partitions. Suppose drive with a capacity of 2GB SD Card and you resize to 1 GB (by changing size partition) then the remain will be a new partition (Unallocated space) around 800-900 MB.
  • Enter a value Partition Size on the box size and location, or written directly, then click OK. (Note : 1GB = 1024MB).
  • There seem to be two partitions are FAT32 and one Unallocated.
  • Furthermore we change unlocated into a new partition, right-click on the unallocated, select Create, then Yes.
  • In the Create New Partition dialog box, change the section: Create As change becomes Primary and change it to FAT32 File System, and then click OK.
  • Look, both of the partition is FAT32 format with Primary type.
  • Then click the Apply button and make sure to close all programs/document that are running on your PC and click Yes. Wait until the process is complete the SD Card format.
Well, this post about How to Partition SD Card Using MiniTool Partition Wizard. I hope the information above is useful for you. If there are less understood, please ask in the comments field. We are sorry if there are any errors on spelling or sentence and thank you for visiting my website.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

How to Disable Autorun and Autoplay On Windows 7

How to Disable Autorun and Autoplay On Windows 7 - Autorun is a state which by default will run when we have inserted the hardware or device through on USB Port. The device that contains data such as USB flash drive, CD or DVD, External hard drive, and others. When you have entered these devices, it will automatically show up a dialog box that contains several menu options that will lead to the application windows explorer, windows media player, the drive for backup or other programs or hardware depending on the contents of the device.
It will be very helpful because there is a choice on the application of windows to open. But it also can harm our computers, one of which is the spread of the virus through autorun that will hurt us. Examples autorun on flash drive will be directly read by the windows without run the antivirus scan that have been installed. Therefore, to avoid the spread of the virus, you should disable the autorun feature on the computer.

In this post, I will share about How to Disable Autorun and Autoplay On Windows 7.
Here are the steps how to disable autorun and autoplay on Windows 7:
  • Run the program run by typing the command "run" on the start menu search box or use the shortcut key Windows + R on the keyboard.
  • Then type the command "gpedit.msc" and press Enter, it will open a new window.
  • Click the Computer Configuration.
  • Then select the sub menu Administrative Templates => select Windows Components => select Autoplay Policies.
  • Right click on Turn off Autoplay and select Edit, and then choose Enable.
  • Furthermore, look at the Options => Turn off Autoplay on. Select All drives to disable all autoplay, or select a particular device that is turned off.
  • Click Apply and click OK.
  • To check, insert the device. If the dialog box does not appear, then the steps to disable autorun and autoplay has been successful.

Well, this post about How to Disable Autorun and Autoplay On Windows 7. I hope the information above is useful for you. If there are less understood, please ask in the comments field. We are sorry if there are any errors on spelling or sentence and thank you for visiting my website.
See Also ==> How to Enable Hibernate Mode on Windows 8